这幅漫画是Frank Bellew在 纽约日报 lampoons a February 1874 speech of John Quincy 亚当斯 II (1833-1894) in the 麻萨诸塞州 House in which he tried to assert that the upcoming centennial F我们的th of July should be celebrated just as his great-grandfather had prescribed in 1776, rather than with the huge industrial exhibition that was then being planned. 亚当斯——就像他多次竞选马萨诸塞州州长一样——没有获胜.
以他祖父的名字命名, 美国第六任总统, John Quincy 亚当斯 II was born in Boston to diplomat Charles Francis 亚当斯 and his wife Abigail Brown Brooks on 22 September 1833. He graduated from Harvard with the Class of 1853 and practiced law for a time, 他的讣告中写道,他“从来没有过度喜欢过”.” He established a model farm in Quincy and devoted himself to local and state politics. Although he began political life as a Republican and staunch supporter of Lincoln, 他在重建政策上与该党决裂. 作为民主党人, he ran unsuccessfully for governor every year from 1867-1871 and served f我们的 terms as a member of the 麻萨诸塞州 House of Representatives from Quincy, 在许多其他的地方办事处. 他的 纽约时报 讣告称赞他是一个“具有非凡能力的人”, 具有纯正的品质, 强大的零部件, 思想和精神的独立, of good training and sound judgment … [whose] political opinions … were always peculiarly his own.”
这幅漫画背后的故事始于1774年7月3日, 当约翰·亚当斯, 参加费城大陆会议的代表, 写了 to his wife, Abigail, about the vote to declare independence from Great Britain, asserting
的 Second Day of July 1776, will be the most memorable Epocha, in the 他的tory of America.——我倾向于相信人们会庆祝的, 通过后代, 作为伟大的周年庆典. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by Solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. 应该用盛大的游行和表演来隆重庆祝, 游戏, 体育, 枪支, 钟, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.
虽然庆祝的日期是7月4日, 而不是第二个, 约翰对庆祝的方式很有先见之明, although his great-grandson apparently believed that “from this Time forward forever more” meant just that—even for the milestone 100th anniversary.
的 波士顿日报广告人 1874年2月8日刊登了立法活动的简短通知:
众议院星期六进行了一次活动, being in session about three h我们的s and having two pretty lively discussions. 约翰·昆西·亚当斯发起了进攻, 以他独特的风格, 利记APP官网手机版百年纪念决议, 或者更确切地说,是百年纪念本身, 他认为这仅仅是对万能的美元的赞颂. 全场的人都聚精会神地听他的演讲, 但在何种程度上得到认可,不得而知, 因为这个问题没有多说几句话就被搁置了. Mr. 波士顿的克罗克, 然而, took occasion to say that he would be ashamed to make such a speech as that of Mr. 亚当斯.
尽管这篇演讲的全文难以捉摸, newspapers across the country picked up on it and used it to further their own agenda regarding the exposition. 的 每日图表很明显,他们在对漫画的描述中反对亚当斯的观点:
Mr. 约翰·昆西·亚当斯发表了讲话, setting forth his objections to celebrating the Centennial with an International Industrial Exhibition. He quotes with admiration the saying of his illustrious great-grandfather … and insists that the Centennial, 只有7月4日才会有更大的增长, 应该以同样的方式庆祝吗. 我们第一页上的漫画代表的是. 亚当斯 actively engaged in celebrating the Centennial according to the 亚当斯 prescription. 的 enthusiasm with which he watches the noisy explosion of a pack of fire-crackers and waves his hat in honor of 我们的 nation’s birthday is very evident, 但, with the exception of a small-boy who is negotiating for fire-crackers at a distant shop window, Mr. 亚当斯 is as solitary as he is when running as the Democratic candidate for the Governorship of 麻萨诸塞州. He will find few persons except depraved small-boys to applaud his method of celebrating the Centennial …
的 密尔沃基哨兵日报 12月20日也强烈反对亚当斯的作品, 那是希望的冷漠, 不是说敌意, of the 麻萨诸塞州 Legislature … will not be generally imitated throughout the country … Action … was postponed for the reason that old John 亚当斯, 我们的第二任总统, once said something which has been tortured by his ingenious great grandson … into an opposition to anything 但 bonfires and firecrackers.”
《辛辛那提 公报》 (摘自《利记手机官网》 每日国际海洋我同意亚当斯的观点, saying that the exhibition “is all well enough” 但 “nobler principles than mere business shrewdness and mechanical skill … should accompany 我们的 republic’s notification to the world that she has entered upon the second century of her existence.然而,在同一篇文章中, 每日国际海洋 questioned whether John Quincy 亚当斯 was “not so dazed by the halo around the memory of his distinguished relative as to be blinded to the actualities of the present time” and suggesting that, 如果约翰·亚当斯还在的话, even he would have modified his views on the proper mode of celebrating the centennial to be in “closer consonance with the spirit of the age.”
有趣的是, at the same time that John Quincy 亚当斯 spoke against the centennial exhibition, his father Charles Francis 亚当斯 had just submitted his report on the 1873 Vienna Exposition. Critical of many facets of the exposition, 亚当斯 noted that in planning for 我们的 国家的纪念, organizers should “not lose a moment … 的 legislatures now in session should decide on the c我们的se to be pursued and not swerve from that decision whether it be to do something or nothing.而不是“赞美万能的美元”,” Charles Francis 亚当斯 saw great potential in the commercial aspects of a centennial exhibition, 如1874年2月7日所述 波士顿日报广告人
商业元素, 然而, which have proved the great main spring of all recent expositions will there be present in a more than ordinary degree. 在整个文明世界,美国被认为是一个大市场, as a market in which fabulous prices are paid … Accordingly all the leading producers of the world … will wish to be represented …
尽管约翰·昆西·亚当斯二世的抗议, 国际艺术展, 生产, 1876年5月10日向公众开放, running through 10 November and attended by more than 10 million visitors. 马萨诸塞州有自己的州 建筑 突出英联邦的艺术、机构和工业.
的 newspaper articles cited here can be accessed through Gale’s Nineteenth Century U.S. 报纸,持卡人可以通过波士顿公共图书馆的 网站.
麻萨诸塞州. 纪念委员会. Report of the 麻萨诸塞州 Commissioner to the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia 波士顿:Albert J. 赖特,1877